Children learn living green is fun.
Think about it, you enjoy playing games and doing activities with your children, well helping to learn about living green is no different. You can create art and craft projects, play games, draw and color, create a recycling chart, these are to name a few. Let the children become completely involved in learning all about living green. You will see they are very enthusiastic and will even come up with ideas to help you live greener.
When you are sorting the recycled items, explain about each item and how the item was made. Let’s take for example a water bottle. You can research together; find pictures of how the bottle was made, look at the manufacturing plant that created the plastic bottle. Then take it to another step and ask the children questions and why they think these items should be recycled. This is done after you both have researched and learned about the production of the plastic water bottle. This will create togetherness with quality time being spent with your children as a family.
A second idea bring to share about learning to live green is bring out some non-toxic water color paints or crayons and some recycled paper. You and the children can create beautiful pictures of living green. We know children love to display their artwork, so you can place it on the front of the refrigerator. Why not make a board of recycled materials and hang it on a wall, so their artwork can “really” be displayed? This will provide them with a fun project, a conversation item you and the children can talk about later, and it will remind them the importance of living green.
Take the children on a nature walk, look at leaves, vegetation, the sky, listen to the noises of birds, and other nature sounds. Incorporate this into a fun experience while you are teaching them. Children love nature and if taught young enough will want to preserve the surroundings and its beauty. Later you and the children can talk about all the things you saw on the nature walk.
A recyclable fun craft idea, would to take the empty oatmeal container and treasured container for things they would like to keep inside of it. Let them decorate the container by coloring on it, use pieces of recycle paper or old fabric, anything you have around the house. The great part with this is they can use their imagination and creativity. Also mom and dad, you are spending quality learning time with your children as a family.
Get an old container and help the children to put a plant in the container. Let them water it and watch it grow. Each day you and the children can talk about it and other plants. This is a great way to teach them the importance of plants, nature and green living, while you spend time as a family.
There are many ways to incorporate learning about living green while enjoying time together as a family with your children.